Upcoming Events | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
- December 18, 2010Pure Energy Performance, Christmas Show
- December 11, 2010Bill Phillips Synchronized, Stratford
- December 4, 2010Frankford Invitational
- December 1, 2010Western and Eastern Challenge
- November 27, 2010John McKay Memorial, Tillsonburg
- November 27, 2010Skate Canada Brampton Chinguacousy Club Comp
- November 24, 2010Ecko Central School Play
- November 20, 2010Keswick Invitational
- November 5, 2010BMO EO Sectionals
- September 16, 2010FSB Autumn Skate, Ottawa
- August 12, 2010FSB Summer Skate
- August 6, 2010Summer Sizzle
- June 27, 2010Sue Bottrill Dance Studio Recital
- June 27, 2010Lynn Morrison School of Dance Recital
- June 25, 2010Chantal’s Dance Academy Recital
- June 24, 2010Joanne Chapman School of Dance, Brampton Recital
- June 22, 2010CM Dancing Recital
- June 20, 2010Joanne Chapman School of Dance, Bolton, Recital
- June 20, 2010Dancemakerz Recital
- June 19, 2010Elite Dance Studio
- June 19, 2010Pure Energy Performance Inc Recital
- June 15, 2010Jaymor Dance Studio Recital
- June 13, 2010Dance Adventure Recital
- June 13, 2010Steps Performing Arts, Rymal Rd Recital
- June 13, 2010Dynamic Dancers Recital
- June 13, 2010Burford Dancers Recital
- June 12, 2010Steps Performing Arts, Queenston Rd Recital
- June 12, 2010Studio 5678 Recital
- June 12, 2010The Dance Station Recital
- June 4, 2010Canadian Dance Company Recital
- June 4, 2010Encore Dance Studio Recital
- June 4, 2010Shirley Schram School of Dance Recital
- May 30, 2010Dance Factor Studios Recital
- May 29, 2010Strictly Biz Recital
- May 29, 2010Backstage Dance Recital
- May 21, 2010Ballet Etc. Recitals
- May 14, 2010Spring Fling Invitational, Woodstock
- May 14, 2010JCB Danceworks Senior Recitals
- May 8, 2010AB Dance, Recital
- May 8, 2010Brampton-Chingcousy SC, Ice Show
- May 8, 2010Northern Lights Dance Studio Recital
- May 2, 2010JCB Danceworks, Primary Dance Recital
- May 2, 2010Strathroy Dance Club Recital
- May 1, 2010Streetsvillle Meadowvale FSC, Ice Show
- April 24, 2010Leamington SC Ice Show
- April 23, 2010Scarboro Skate, Scarborough
- April 16, 2010Silver Blades SC Ice Show
- April 11, 2010Guelph SC Ice Show
- April 10, 2010Woodstock SC Ice Show
- April 10, 2010Moore SC Ice Show
- April 10, 2010Tilbury SC Ice Show
- April 10, 2010Strathroy SC Ice Show
- April 9, 2010FSB Fun competition, Thornhill
- April 4, 2010Pt. Edward SC Ice Show
- April 3, 2010Tillsonburg SC Ice Show
- April 2, 2010Competitive Skating Center of Strathroy Ice Show
- April 1, 2010North Toronto SC Ice Show
- April 1, 2010Petrolia SC Ice Show
- March 23, 2010AB Dance Competitive Showcases